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Cadet Grooming Standards/ Additional Details

Cadet Grooming Standards/ Additional Details

The Wearing of the uniform: The NJROTC uniform will be worn by all cadets at least one full school day each week and on other occasions as prescribed by your naval science instructor. Cadets are to be in a complete uniform and in compliance with the uniform standards described in this manual anytime they are in uniform. Cadets should arrive to school in uniform and leave in uniform. Changing in or out of the uniform prior to or after inspection is not permitted. Cadets will meet uniform standards whether they are standing an NJROTC inspection or attending other school classes in uniform. 


Personal Appearance and Grooming



Hair: must be neat, clean, trimmed and present a well-groomed appearance.  Above the ears and around the neck: must be tapered upwards 3/4-inch and outwards not greater than 3/4-inch. Hair must not touch the collar. No longer than 4 inches and the bulk shall not exceed 2 inches. One narrow part in the hair is authorized. This may be cut, clipped, or shaved. Plaited or braided hair is unauthorized. Hair may not show under the front brim of any uniform cap. 
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Sideburns: Neatly trimmed and tailored as described above. Shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, as indicated by line "A", and shall be of even width (not flared). Shall end with a clean shaven horizontal line.

Mustaches: Neat and closely trimmed. No portion shall extend below the upper lip line as indicated by line "D". Shall not be below the horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth as indicated by line "B". Shall not be more than 1/4-inch beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corners of the mouth as indicated by line "C". No other facial hair is permitted.

Fingernails: will not extend past the fingertips.

Necklaces: Authorized, but shall not be visible.

Rings: One per hand is authorized.

Wristwatch/Bracelet: One of each is authorized, but no ankle bracelets.

Sunglasses:  A conservative pair is permitted when authorized by the naval science instructor. Sunglasses are never authorized in military formations. Retainer straps are not authorized.



Hair: must be clean, neatly shaped, and presents a well-groomed appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical haircuts and hair styles are not authorized.Braids, if worn, must be neatly and inconspicuously secured at all points to the head, and may not dangle free at any point. May touch, but cannot fall below the horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar as indicated by line "A" in the drawing below. Must not show under the front brim of any cap. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately 2 inches, nor interfere with the proper wearing of your cap.

Hair Ornaments: Barrettes must be similar to hair color. Conspicuous rubber bands, combs and pins are not authorized.

Cosmetics: Applied in good taste and colors blend with natural skin tone. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetics are inappropriate. Lipstick should be conservative.

Fingernails: Shall not be excessive in length. Nail polish color shall complement the skin tone.

Earrings/Studs: One per ear, centered on the earlobe. Must be a small gold or silver ball (post or screw on). Studs are not authorized in the nose, eyebrows tongue, lips, or other areas of the face or body visible to the naval science instructor.

Necklaces: Authorized, but shall not be visible.

Rings: one per hand is authorized, plus the engagement ring or the wedding ring.

Wristwatch/Bracelet: One of each is authorized, but no ankle bracelets.

Sunglasses: A conservative pair is permitted when authorized by the naval science instructor. Sunglasses are never authorized in military formations. Retainer straps are not authorized.